Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanks to all!

Well we had as good of a turn-out as we could have hoped for, considering the two days of heavy snowfalls which preceded the screening, not to mention the haste with which we threw all of this together.

So to those who came out, thank you dearly. The Jane Austen Book Club proved to be a fantastic movie (and not just for the ladies... there was a great sub-plot of the philosophically human depth of science-fiction literature). The way that each individual characters' romantic plots were a mirror reflection of the plots within the Jane Austen books they were reading was not as linear and obvious as they could have, and this kept the movie fresh. It was wonderfully paced, not allowing for much downtime or wallowing, but instead (because of the reading they were doing of books which study human relationships) they were able to recognise where they were in life from a third person perspective and thus move on, improving their situations. In a world where the majority of reading goes to tabloid cinicism and self-help drivel which just gives one the suggestions of other people, it's refreshing to see a film which recommends reading quality literature which may be an escape, but within this escape you develop such a rich sense of humanity you almost subconsciously better yourself, on your own terms, and this in turn improves all that is around you, by example as well as perspective. Being influenced to become a little more sensitive to your potentials within humanity through intelligent and engaging literature, as opposed to being influenced to complain about yourself and humanity by a media which does nothing but complain about humanity. How refreshing indeed!

So, again, , thank you to all who came and helped put all this together. . . including:

The Empire Theatre-Dave Dymond
Chat Noir-Paul and Jenn
Kelly Ouimet
The Toronto International Film Festival Group
The Temiskaming Speaker-Sue Nielsen
Jeff Addison-graphics

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